Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Mindset Saved My Life
It's amazing what lessons I have had to learn as a full grown adult. I don't know why I had the assumption that becoming an adult, becoming a mom of my own children would mean that I had it all figured out. It's been a crazy journey learning how to love myself again, how to give myself grace, how to keep myself motivated and how to keep focused on my priorities. I'm so grateful for it though.
Before I started working on myself, I was really struggling with my depression and anxiety. I was honestly suicidal and feared to be by myself. I don't think I would have acted on it, but it's not a good feeling when you want to erase your own existence off the earth. When feeling nothing is better than feeling terrible, isolated and not good enough on a daily basis. I know it may seem selfish and crazy that I could feel that way when I have my beautiful family but depression and anxiety isn't logical and it doesn't feel gratitude or notice all the things that are going right.
Depression tells me that my kids will grow up better off without a mother who is so messed up. Depression tells me that because I can't be perfect for my kids all the time that I don't deserve them. Depression tells me that nobody loves or cares about me and that I am all alone. Depression tells me that nobody wants to know what I am going through, that nobody is there to help or support me. Depression tells me that I don't deserve to connect with others, that something is wrong with me. Depression tells me that when people are joking with me or giving me a hard time that they mean it. Depression whispers all these lies so that only I hear them. I'm ashamed of some of the things that I have felt and thought due to my depression.
I believe that your mindset has such a significant impact on your life that it can literally transform your brain chemistry. I know that scientifically there are differences in the brain for people that suffer from depression, but I also believe we are capable of creating physical changes in our bodies with our mindset. Let me insert a political correctness line here because I know I am toeing on the line of offensive for some and I recognize that this won't be a popular opinion: I know that depression isn't as simple as "just be happy, chin up, be positive, etc." I believe that overcoming my suicidal thoughts and depression has taken months of consistency, of maintaining daily healthy habits, of fueling my body with the proper food. And I still struggle... but at such a smaller degree. If medication works for you, this isn't a judgment from me and I'm not here to advise you what to do with your own health. We all have to take care of ourselves and how we do so when struggling with mental health is a very personal decision.
Every day I wake up way earlier than I ever thought I would and I work out and listen to personal development. I listen to it in my car on the way to work, at work when I start to feel down or overwhelmed, and when I'm at home because I know how important it is for keeping my mind in the right place. It's way too easy to slip into old negative thoughts when I have thought them for years and I literally feel like I am having to reprogram my brain all over again.
I'm consistently feeling hope, gratitude, and love on a daily basis since I started this journey. I look forward to the future and I have confidence and love for myself that almost feels child like (because what adult could possibly love themselves haha). I'm so grateful for every day that I get to learn and grow. I'm so grateful for the moments that I get to have with my girls, even the difficult ones. I'm so grateful for all the opportunities that Kyle has had this year and what it's done for our family. I'm so grateful that my girls have so much family that love them. I feel so dang lucky that I was able to stumble upon these healthier habits so that I can actually enjoy my life again. I hope this helps at least one person in the future, even if it's a simple as knowing you aren't alone. I feel like every single person deserves to actually enjoy their life, not just survive it.
Friday, January 19, 2018
My BeachBody Journey
Cat's out of the bag, I officially signed up as a BeachBody coach last night. Don't worry, I don't intend on pushing people to buy the products or to sign up as well. Something I've quickly learned and liked about BeachBody is that it is fairly low pressure and the products really sell themselves. I'm not someone who enjoys putting myself out there for people to judge but I realized that's probably going to happen no matter what I do so I would rather pursue something that is positive and that I believe in.
My journey started in November when I joined a two week free trial group. I had been dieting for about a month before that but exercise was not part of the equation and I had pretty much stalled in my weight loss and still didn't have much muscle tone. I tried Country Heat, Shift Shop and 21 Day Fix and I immediately became hooked. I personally thrive using the at home workouts because I don't have to think or keep myself motivated. I just have to press play and do my best. I'm always sore and I constantly switch up which program I'm on so that my body doesn't get used to it. They also remove all my excuses because I don't have to find time to go to the gym when I have two young kids at home. I'm also part of an accountability group full of positive and encouraging people which is another key component to making sure I stay on track. I've always had the mentality of "if no one else is making excuses, I can't either."
I could seriously go on and on about the parts of BeachBody that I love but I will just leave you with a few ways that it's changed my life for now.
1) I went from being ashamed of my body and feeling invisible to having absolute confidence in myself and feeling strong. Worthless to worth it. This has impacted how I approach a lot of my relationships and has made my interactions a lot more positive.
2) I have energy to play with my kids. I have a very active 3 year old and 1 year old and I finally feel like I can somewhat keep up with them. I also know that I am setting a great example for my girls as my 3 year old is very aware of what I am doing and tells me "good job!" after every workout.
3) As someone who suffers with depression and anxiety, working out has led to a huge decrease in my symptoms as well as given me an outlet when I am feeling overwhelmed.
I'm excited to see where this journey will take me and to keep working the programs myself and pushing past all of my excuses. Life is way too dang short to not make the most of it!